Hey, I'm very glad that the update was released, but the problem of the previous version related to the tools has not been solved, so this problem is solved only through the Cheat menu>Scripts > Script tool, but that's not all the problems, because after that the games just stop giving new quests, I talked to all the characters, went to the forest, etc., but I don't know how to continue going through the plot, then there is a problem with improving the settlement, to improve the buildings I need a 2-level quarry, but I can't do this for an unknown reason, and the last problem is related to the new quest notification system in the message, I have a task from a couple of farmers constantly glowing, I fucked with them, but this quest is constantly resuming and the red circle is lit, I hope that these errors will be fixed soon.
I went through the game from scratch, completely deleting it.
Хей, я очень рада, что вышло обновление, однако проблема прошлой версии связанная с инструментами так и не решена, поэтому эта проблема решается только через меню Чит>Скрипты>Инструмент скрипт, но это не все проблемы, так как после этого игра просто перестает выдавать новые квесты, я говорила со всеми персонажами, ходила в лес и т.д., но не знаю как продолжить идти по сюжету, далее есть проблема с улучшением поселения, чтобы улучшить здания мне нужен 2 уровень каменоломни, но я не могу это сделать по неизвестной причине и последняя проблема связанная с новой системой уведомления квестов в послении, у меня постоянно светится задание от пары фермеров, я с ними трахаюсь, но этот квест постоянно возобновляется и горит красный круг, надеюсь, что данные ошибки скоро будут исправлены.
Как улучшить дома? Раньше надо было прийти в торговый район и взять инструменты, а сейчас завис квест поговорить с Сильфестом о новых домах, я говорю, он отвечает тоже самое и никакого продвижения по квесту(
How to improve houses? Previously, it was necessary to come to the shopping area and take tools, but now the quest is suspended to talk to Sylvester about new houses, I say, he answers the same thing and no progress on the quest (
Sorry, my mistake. If you are using an old save where you already gave the tools to Sylfest, download this and put it in your game: folder:https://files.catbox.moe/c7jdg8.rar
After that, go to the Cheats tab in the house, Scripts, and activate the script for the tools.
Im up to the part to uograde houses but all it says find kit/man. But doesn't say where and talked to everyone just keep showing red dot at the guys house. Amazing game btw
Sorry, my mistake. If you are using an old save where you already gave the tools to Sylfest, download this and put it in your game: folder:https://files.catbox.moe/c7jdg8.rar
After that, go to the Cheats tab in the house, Scripts, and activate the script for the tools.
In this new version, I can see the cutscene when the player is raped by a shemale bandit?, in the previous version I could only see it at the start of the game and after my anal and oral skills were maxed out, he disappeared.
finally the good stuff gets updated.. small suggestion, you have a lot of characters in the game and too little action with them, so instead of adding more and more, you might as well use the ones you already have.. also remembering who is who is quite a chore, so an icon or a short description in brackets next to their names would be useful.. I still can't turn in the tools to Sylfest, and some names/texts are in russian, but otherwise great stuff..
Yes, in the first chapter, I wanted to focus on adding new characters, and in the second chapter, develop their storylines and add new scenes. The ability to give tools to Sylfest will be available in one of the next updates, in which I want to overhaul the system for building production buildings.
Unfortunately, for now i don't have time to work on two games, so i decided concentrate on updates for "Sys Gyp". I get back to work on "Frihetsjord" in a few month.
nice to see a new update.. I'm glad you fixed the most annoying bugs and added 2 new characters to the settlement.. although, they can't be added right away, but those are the plans for future update, right ?! I was really thrilled to see a new work option (hole), this is a great idea :) keep up the good work !
btw: what program do you use for models and animations ? I'm thinking about give it a try, but don't know where to start
yeah, that's a great approach, I will definitely wait for future updates !
hm, I tried DAZ myself before, but after a day, I encounter some DB issue (PostgreSQL connection, something...) and lost all my assets.. so I tried to reinstall DAZ, but my assets never showed up, so I drop it.. really bad experience with this software :/
i tried daz too, but then soon realized that object making is easy, making images towards your likeness is harder then you might think, but then again i have that autism mentality of doing it 100% perfect or not doing it at all.
the game is full of bugs (chopping wood minigame, the game suddenly ends, if you encounter two bandits in random encounter, some texts/names aren't translated to english and they are displaying in russian, etc..) and is absolutely not playable in terms of "no cheating".. the game have simply bad earn management - experience, resources and gold.. you gain experience, resources and gold too slow and also too random.. you have to be really lucky to get the encounter you need, like animal combat or tree or money on the road, but you still get only 3-5 exp or 3-16 wood or 3-9 gold in one encounter and you need like 100+ EXP or 100+ wood or 800 gold for a shield ?! it is pure luck and there's simply not much work to do to earn money.. I'm somehow glad, that the game have cheats, because without them it would be not playable at all.. also buildings are really slow to build, luckily there's a cheating option to speed up building with gold/wood..
the minigames, why ?! why they are there ?! it's so boring to play them, everyone want to see scenes, not to click mouse or bash the keyboard in order to win.. even if you win them easily, which is point for not having them here at all, it's annoying when you accidently do one click more and you skip the text.. and quest with repairing the tables is too much tedious and it shouldn't be in any game.. but, the biggest problem with this game is, there's simple not much of an adult scenes and there's too much text to read.. the game is more a short novel, than an adult game.. I counted around 30 scenes, which is nice, but from so much content and texts, it's not much, to be honest.. there's a lot work to do, bug fixing, game mechanics, storytelling and hopefully, there'll be more adult scenes, even futa ! I keep my fingers crossed and really wish you a luck !
Thank you for feedback, i know about all this problems about bugs and balance. I will fix it in next updates. But this is the first time I see someone say that there is too much text in my game, usually they say that the opposite is true. XD
I think it dependes on the person who plays the game.. I like adult game for scenes, not for texts.. It's nice when the game have a story, but if the main thing is reading, then I'm not having fun.. I played game called WVM and I stop playing it, because there was a tone of text and almost no scene.. literally, there was 15 minutes of reading and then 1 scene.. don't get me wrong the dialogues was pretty good, but I could read a book, if I wanted to read a good story.. I was there for scenes, dirty words, humiliation, submission, domination and such things, not reading about how characters developed throughtout the game.. I simply gave up with that "game" and when I see the pattern in another game, I simply quit the game.. I gave a shot to your game, because it starts with two scenes futa and hetero and there was some simple story, not too much text, nice idea behind the mechanics, but the execution of these mechanics wasn't good.. luckily there was a option to cheat, so I continued.. I remembered another bug, when you go to the forest, there's a wild futa who wants gold or fight, if you choose gold and don't have any, she still thinks that she got a lot from you and leave :D it was hilarious :D but, in any case, I really like the idea, she won't kill you, you won't kill her, instead you have sex scene with her, where you or her is ass pounded, it's nice touch.. so, the game is good, you only need to fix bugs, makes those mechanics work and add some scenes :) about text, it's your decision, but I personally prefer less text, more scenes..
I love the concept. Found a bug trying to chop wood for the lady in the initial town for gold. Happened about the 3rd time doing it. Slider goes all the way to the side and jitters. It doesn't go back & forth.
the "continue" button, which is apparently supposed to be displayed below the warning after startup, is not visible (it can only be reached using the arrow keys and the enter key)
Ну, я побольше разнообразных ивентов в лес хочу добавить. Изначально хотел добавить всякие ивенты с бандосами и корованами на дороге добавить, но щас чет как то хз, мб как нибудь потом по настроению добавлю. Щас пока в планах заполнить ивентами лес, проработать квесты для новых поселенцев и доделать механику постройки поселения.
Кстати, на счёт леса. Планируется-ли ивент с каким-нибудь мифологическим существом? Неважно каким, хоть великанша, хоть русалка. Мир вроде располагает к такому.
I can't install com.org.frihetsjord-101-universal-release.apk.
The preparation goes fine and when I confirm that I want to install it, it says it can't.
It could be a lack of free space on the device (1.53GB left), but I'd say it's more likely to be something else. When I install something and I don't have enough space, the installation goes on for a while and then it says the app can't be installed. In this case, this information appears immediately after pressing the "install" button.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (CZ > EN)
I liked the game a lot, but in my opinion there is too much grinding. So I have a few comments/suggestions.
1. Adding the option to sell meat. 2. Increase the amount of experience points you get. 3. Separating the push-ups animation and the push-ups counter. (if I click ten times in two seconds, make it so I get experience points for those two seconds instead of only one click every two seconds, which I have to do ten) 4. Reducing the price of things. (beer keg, shield, woodworking equipment, building construction) 5. Add the option to skip the whole day.
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, that's good suggestions. In the future, I want to add more opportunities for earning gold, all prices in the future will be changed depending on the number of these ways of earning.
Sorry to keep you waiting. The 0.1.0 update turned out to be not very stable, so I decided not to make this version public. I am currently working on a technical patch that will be available to everyone right away.
For now you can't build house for blacksmith, i will add it little bit later. About new residents, if you use old saves, some of variables can doesn't work, so you can check some of them in cheat menu, in mc house.
You need to take Inga's book to the tavern. After that, you need to sleep once at home and go to the tavern. If Looha says: "Look, after you gave me that book, ....", then you did everything right.
If something went wrong, go to the "Cheats" tab in the house and click "Activate work in the tavern"
← Return to game
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Hey, I'm very glad that the update was released, but the problem of the previous version related to the tools has not been solved, so this problem is solved only through the Cheat menu>Scripts > Script tool, but that's not all the problems, because after that the games just stop giving new quests, I talked to all the characters, went to the forest, etc., but I don't know how to continue going through the plot, then there is a problem with improving the settlement, to improve the buildings I need a 2-level quarry, but I can't do this for an unknown reason, and the last problem is related to the new quest notification system in the message, I have a task from a couple of farmers constantly glowing, I fucked with them, but this quest is constantly resuming and the red circle is lit, I hope that these errors will be fixed soon.
I went through the game from scratch, completely deleting it.
Хей, я очень рада, что вышло обновление, однако проблема прошлой версии связанная с инструментами так и не решена, поэтому эта проблема решается только через меню Чит>Скрипты>Инструмент скрипт, но это не все проблемы, так как после этого игра просто перестает выдавать новые квесты, я говорила со всеми персонажами, ходила в лес и т.д., но не знаю как продолжить идти по сюжету, далее есть проблема с улучшением поселения, чтобы улучшить здания мне нужен 2 уровень каменоломни, но я не могу это сделать по неизвестной причине и последняя проблема связанная с новой системой уведомления квестов в послении, у меня постоянно светится задание от пары фермеров, я с ними трахаюсь, но этот квест постоянно возобновляется и горит красный круг, надеюсь, что данные ошибки скоро будут исправлены.
Я проходила игру с нуля, полностью удалив ее.
Thanks for the quick bug fixes.
Спасибо за быстрое исправление багов.
Thank you for the feedback.
When update will come?
Hi, I'm wondering when the update will be released? I hope you haven't abandoned the game.
Hy dev, can you give tell something about game story if it has one?
Also wanna know since you mention futa tag. Will it male on futa or futa on male?
Predominantly futa on male.
So it wasn't a choice? Huh! well then I'm out. Not fan of it. I prefer male on futa. If it was choice up to player then I wouldn't have mind playing.
Futa content <3
Your link for fiks isn't working :(
It's weird, but I managed to solve the problem
You can't open it or download or fix doesn't working?
Как улучшить дома? Раньше надо было прийти в торговый район и взять инструменты, а сейчас завис квест поговорить с Сильфестом о новых домах, я говорю, он отвечает тоже самое и никакого продвижения по квесту(
How to improve houses? Previously, it was necessary to come to the shopping area and take tools, but now the quest is suspended to talk to Sylvester about new houses, I say, he answers the same thing and no progress on the quest (
Sorry, my mistake. If you are using an old save where you already gave the tools to Sylfest, download this and put it in your game: folder:https://files.catbox.moe/c7jdg8.rar
After that, go to the Cheats tab in the house, Scripts, and activate the script for the tools.
Thanks for helping me solve my problem :з
Im up to the part to uograde houses but all it says find kit/man. But doesn't say where and talked to everyone just keep showing red dot at the guys house. Amazing game btw
Sorry, my mistake. If you are using an old save where you already gave the tools to Sylfest, download this and put it in your game: folder:https://files.catbox.moe/c7jdg8.rar
After that, go to the Cheats tab in the house, Scripts, and activate the script for the tools.
Когда будет обновление?)
In this new version, I can see the cutscene when the player is raped by a shemale bandit?, in the previous version I could only see it at the start of the game and after my anal and oral skills were maxed out, he disappeared.
For now there is one non-repeatable event with her.
Question will the talk to Sverre quest line will be updated and complete?
It's already completed.
Really? I still say that I should talk to Severe but when I do. He just offers to work in the hole.
This is a bug. Try a new game.
where to find Tira and Aslog , i tried drinking beer at tavern but not found anyone
Try talking to gerta and Viveka about new settlers. If they don't say that you need a drink at the tavern, then you don't have the script activated.
script is activated still cant see tira quest
Your "Actions" should be more than 0. Maybe this is the problem?
finally the good stuff gets updated.. small suggestion, you have a lot of characters in the game and too little action with them, so instead of adding more and more, you might as well use the ones you already have.. also remembering who is who is quite a chore, so an icon or a short description in brackets next to their names would be useful.. I still can't turn in the tools to Sylfest, and some names/texts are in russian, but otherwise great stuff..
Yes, in the first chapter, I wanted to focus on adding new characters, and in the second chapter, develop their storylines and add new scenes.
The ability to give tools to Sylfest will be available in one of the next updates, in which I want to overhaul the system for building production buildings.
For now, I'm busy working on another game, "Sys Gyp".
It's already released: https://spodvohom-games.itch.io/suspicious-hypnosis
I'm just working on another update.
When will the new version come?
Unfortunately, for now i don't have time to work on two games, so i decided concentrate on updates for "Sys Gyp". I get back to work on "Frihetsjord" in a few month.
Huh, the chopping wood minigame has an issue - the circle goes to the left side and stays there…
…and after meeting the imperial scouts I have -20 Gold?
Okay, got it, will try to fix it later. Thanks for let me know.)
>…and after meeting the imperial scouts I have -20 Gold?
You paid them money and the value of your gold became negative, did I understand correctly?
>…and after meeting the imperial scouts I have -20 Gold?
Okay, i found and fixed this bug.
Hey man,
nice to see a new update.. I'm glad you fixed the most annoying bugs and added 2 new characters to the settlement.. although, they can't be added right away, but those are the plans for future update, right ?! I was really thrilled to see a new work option (hole), this is a great idea :) keep up the good work !
btw: what program do you use for models and animations ? I'm thinking about give it a try, but don't know where to start
Yeah, at first i want to add all quest line for all new characters, then i want to add possibility invite them all to the settlement.
I use DAZ.)
yeah, that's a great approach, I will definitely wait for future updates !
hm, I tried DAZ myself before, but after a day, I encounter some DB issue (PostgreSQL connection, something...) and lost all my assets.. so I tried to reinstall DAZ, but my assets never showed up, so I drop it.. really bad experience with this software :/
i tried daz too, but then soon realized that object making is easy, making images towards your likeness is harder then you might think, but then again i have that autism mentality of doing it 100% perfect or not doing it at all.
great game one issue its very short. scenes are great and History is intersing. i m waiting for a new update!
the game is full of bugs (chopping wood minigame, the game suddenly ends, if you encounter two bandits in random encounter, some texts/names aren't translated to english and they are displaying in russian, etc..) and is absolutely not playable in terms of "no cheating".. the game have simply bad earn management - experience, resources and gold.. you gain experience, resources and gold too slow and also too random.. you have to be really lucky to get the encounter you need, like animal combat or tree or money on the road, but you still get only 3-5 exp or 3-16 wood or 3-9 gold in one encounter and you need like 100+ EXP or 100+ wood or 800 gold for a shield ?! it is pure luck and there's simply not much work to do to earn money.. I'm somehow glad, that the game have cheats, because without them it would be not playable at all.. also buildings are really slow to build, luckily there's a cheating option to speed up building with gold/wood..
the minigames, why ?! why they are there ?! it's so boring to play them, everyone want to see scenes, not to click mouse or bash the keyboard in order to win.. even if you win them easily, which is point for not having them here at all, it's annoying when you accidently do one click more and you skip the text.. and quest with repairing the tables is too much tedious and it shouldn't be in any game.. but, the biggest problem with this game is, there's simple not much of an adult scenes and there's too much text to read.. the game is more a short novel, than an adult game.. I counted around 30 scenes, which is nice, but from so much content and texts, it's not much, to be honest.. there's a lot work to do, bug fixing, game mechanics, storytelling and hopefully, there'll be more adult scenes, even futa ! I keep my fingers crossed and really wish you a luck !
Thank you for feedback, i know about all this problems about bugs and balance. I will fix it in next updates.
But this is the first time I see someone say that there is too much text in my game, usually they say that the opposite is true. XD
I think it dependes on the person who plays the game.. I like adult game for scenes, not for texts.. It's nice when the game have a story, but if the main thing is reading, then I'm not having fun.. I played game called WVM and I stop playing it, because there was a tone of text and almost no scene.. literally, there was 15 minutes of reading and then 1 scene.. don't get me wrong the dialogues was pretty good, but I could read a book, if I wanted to read a good story.. I was there for scenes, dirty words, humiliation, submission, domination and such things, not reading about how characters developed throughtout the game.. I simply gave up with that "game" and when I see the pattern in another game, I simply quit the game.. I gave a shot to your game, because it starts with two scenes futa and hetero and there was some simple story, not too much text, nice idea behind the mechanics, but the execution of these mechanics wasn't good.. luckily there was a option to cheat, so I continued.. I remembered another bug, when you go to the forest, there's a wild futa who wants gold or fight, if you choose gold and don't have any, she still thinks that she got a lot from you and leave :D it was hilarious :D but, in any case, I really like the idea, she won't kill you, you won't kill her, instead you have sex scene with her, where you or her is ass pounded, it's nice touch.. so, the game is good, you only need to fix bugs, makes those mechanics work and add some scenes :) about text, it's your decision, but I personally prefer less text, more scenes..
Yeah, you right.
bandits or elite whatever they were showed up and shutdown launcher faster then speed of light what the.....
I love the concept. Found a bug trying to chop wood for the lady in the initial town for gold. Happened about the 3rd time doing it. Slider goes all the way to the side and jitters. It doesn't go back & forth.
Thank you for feedback, i will fix it later.
Question; which one do I use? I did the universal, and it said forbidden.
Do you still have your old game, " it's a fucking library"? I really liked that game
No, this game is irretrievably lost.
the "continue" button, which is apparently supposed to be displayed below the warning after startup, is not visible (it can only be reached using the arrow keys and the enter key)
Yeah, my mistake, thank you. I fixed and reupload it.
Eri -> "Ask about her dept" (after I've already spoken to Sverre) ->
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/tl/English/thirdquest.rpy", line 2827, in script
eir "[eirdol] gold."
KeyError: u'eirdol'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/tl/English/thirdquest.rpy", line 2827, in script
eir "[eirdol] gold."
File "renpy/ast.py", line 715, in execute
renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/exports.py", line 1417, in say
who(what, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/character.py", line 1206, in __call__
what = self.prefix_suffix("what", self.what_prefix, what, self.what_suffix)
File "renpy/character.py", line 1125, in prefix_suffix
return (sub(prefix) + sub(body) + sub(suffix))
File "renpy/character.py", line 1105, in sub
return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]
File "renpy/substitutions.py", line 270, in substitute
s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value
KeyError: u'eirdol'
Frihetsjord 0.1.4
Fri Oct 29 15:00:59 2021
Thank you for all reports, i fixed all and upload fixed version, you can redownload it.
it's my pleasure to help ^_^
BUG: if you repair the last table for the last action point, you will not receive woodworking tools from Logmer.
Image 1-5 not found.
(glory hole anal lvl3)
So I need wood but there's no where I can get any. I've been EVERYWHERE 3times. Nothing.
You can get wood by chopping trees in the forest. You can also use cheats in the main character's house.
Ого, захожу и обновление, спасибо.
Стараюсь. 😎
Ещё у меня есть одна ошибка: Сильфест уже построил хижину охотника, но до сих пор предлагает построить её, снова.

Ок, спасибо, проверю чо за фигня.
Вроде пофиксил, ща еще побольше багов соберу, пофиксю и выпущу технический патч.
Годно, в следующих обновлениях появятся новые ивенты? В таверне или на дороге.
Ну, я побольше разнообразных ивентов в лес хочу добавить. Изначально хотел добавить всякие ивенты с бандосами и корованами на дороге добавить, но щас чет как то хз, мб как нибудь потом по настроению добавлю. Щас пока в планах заполнить ивентами лес, проработать квесты для новых поселенцев и доделать механику постройки поселения.
Кстати, на счёт леса. Планируется-ли ивент с каким-нибудь мифологическим существом? Неважно каким, хоть великанша, хоть русалка. Мир вроде располагает к такому.
Нуууу, у меня есть идеи по добавлению одного необычного персонажа в сюжетную линию.)
Пока так, без спойлеров.)
I'm stuck here, I don't know what to do. I can't progress with margot, I could only learn from her twice and only once with annichen.

I think, for now, you completed all quests of this version.
show raldomly when enter to forest:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While loading <'Image' 'images/Forest/tree2 1.jpg'>:
Exception: Could not load image 'images/Forest/tree2 1.jpg': error('JPEG loading error',)
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "tl/English/forest.rpyc", line 1093, in script
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\ast.py", line 708, in execute
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\exports.py", line 1345, in say
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\character.py", line 1142, in __call__
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\character.py", line 842, in do_display
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\character.py", line 591, in display_say
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\ui.py", line 297, in interact
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2702, in interact
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 3194, in interact_core
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2094, in draw_screen
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 490, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen/renpy.display.render.c:6805)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\image.py", line 500, in render
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\image.py", line 306, in wrap_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 583, in render
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 266, in get
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 628, in load
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\pgrender.py", line 162, in load_image
Exception: Could not load image 'images/Forest/tree2 1.jpg': error('JPEG loading error',)
Not again.(
Sorry, i will fix it later. And thank you for showing it.
You don't see this bug in another location?
Only in the forest so far.
when go to Annichen:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While loading <'Image' 'images/Krushitsa/annhome.jpg'>:
Exception: Could not load image 'images/Krushitsa/annhome.jpg': error('JPEG loading error',)
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "Krushitsa.rpyc", line 127, in script
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\ast.py", line 1389, in execute
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\exports.py", line 1601, in with_statement
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2251, in do_with
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2702, in interact
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 3194, in interact_core
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2094, in draw_screen
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 490, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen/renpy.display.render.c:6805)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\transition.py", line 180, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\transition.py", line 361, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\image.py", line 500, in render
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\image.py", line 306, in wrap_render
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:4075)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen/renpy.display.render.c:3520)
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 583, in render
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 266, in get
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\im.py", line 628, in load
File "D:\Gamedev\renpy-7.3.5-sdk\renpy\display\pgrender.py", line 162, in load_image
Exception: Could not load image 'images/Krushitsa/annhome.jpg': error('JPEG loading error',)
I uploaded fixed version. Can you check it?
I can't install com.org.frihetsjord-101-universal-release.apk.
The preparation goes fine and when I confirm that I want to install it, it says it can't.
It could be a lack of free space on the device (1.53GB left), but I'd say it's more likely to be something else. When I install something and I don't have enough space, the installation goes on for a while and then it says the app can't be installed. In this case, this information appears immediately after pressing the "install" button.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (CZ > EN)
Hmm, try to uninstall previous version.
Don't I have to worry about losing my saved positions?
I don't think so, but i'm not sure.
I liked the game a lot, but in my opinion there is too much grinding.
So I have a few comments/suggestions.
1. Adding the option to sell meat.
2. Increase the amount of experience points you get.
3. Separating the push-ups animation and the push-ups counter. (if I click ten times in two seconds, make it so I get experience points for those two seconds instead of only one click every two seconds, which I have to do ten)
4. Reducing the price of things. (beer keg, shield, woodworking equipment, building construction)
5. Add the option to skip the whole day.
P.S.: Could I ask for more footfetish content?
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (CZ > EN)
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, that's good suggestions. In the future, I want to add more opportunities for earning gold, all prices in the future will be changed depending on the number of these ways of earning.
English version (bug?):
Another one:
Thank you, i will fix it.
After the first launch and selecting "English"
When are you planning to add the new version? Can you tell the date? I'm looking forward to it.
Please say something SPodvohom Games
Sorry to keep you waiting.
The 0.1.0 update turned out to be not very stable, so I decided not to make this version public. I am currently working on a technical patch that will be available to everyone right away.
Thank you so much.
how can I find new residents and available build house for blacksmith ?
For now you can't build house for blacksmith, i will add it little bit later. About new residents, if you use old saves, some of variables can doesn't work, so you can check some of them in cheat menu, in mc house.
How can i drink beer and work in tavern?
(I use saves from end of 0.0.6v)
(bandit camp run OK)
You need to take Inga's book to the tavern. After that, you need to sleep once at home and go to the tavern. If Looha says: "Look, after you gave me that book, ....", then you did everything right.
If something went wrong, go to the "Cheats" tab in the house and click "Activate work in the tavern"
Maby i must use that cheat.
I give him that book in version 0.0.6 and transport saves to 0.0.7 :-/
after i use cheat to activate work, work give me every day more money - 1. 50, 2. 100, 3. 150, ...
(counting sucess orders is only rise up)
isn't it bug?
(and some miniority - shield cost 800, i pay 800, but in conversation is "500")
Yes, there were two bugs that will be fixed in the next update.